
Generalized C Foreign Function Interface (FFI) that unifies JNA and JDK-16 FFI architectures.

Users can dynamically define and load libraries and define callbacks that C can then call.

This namespace is meant to work with the struct namespace where you can define C-structs laid out precisely in memory.

Available datatypes for the binding layer:

  • :int8 :int16 :int32 :int64 :float32 :float64 :pointer :pointer? :size-t. A :pointer? type means the pointer could potentially be null or zero while :pointer will throw an error if a null or zero pointer is passed in.
  • :pointer, :pointer?, :size-t are all types that change their underlying definition depending on if the system is 32 bit or 64 bit.

Note that unsigned types will work but the interface will have to be defined in terms of their signed analogues.

Arguments and return values can be specified as pass-by-value - currently JNA only. This is the difference between the c signatures:

  tdata* doit(adata* val);

  tdata doti(adata val);

In the return-by-value case the return value will be copied into a dtype struct of the correct datatype. In order to use pass or return by value you need to first (before interface instantiation) define the datatype:

(defonce data-chunk-def*
    (dt-struct/define-datatype! :duckdb-data-chunk
      [{:name :__dtck
        :datatype @ptr-dtype*}])))

(defonce appender-def*
    (dt-struct/define-datatype! :duckdb-appender
      [{:name :__appn
        :datatype @ptr-dtype*}])))

  ;;Then when defining your functions in your library use `(by-value struct-data-type)` in either
  ;;argtype or in rettype pathways.

   ;;DUCKDB_API duckdb_state duckdb_append_data_chunk(duckdb_appender appender, duckdb_data_chunk chunk);
   :duckdb_append_data_chunk {:rettype :int32
                               :argtypes [[appender (by-value :duckdb-appender)]
                                          [data-chunk (by-value :duckdb-data-chunk)]]}

  ;;DUCKDB_API duckdb_data_chunk duckdb_create_data_chunk(duckdb_logical_type *types, idx_t column_count);
  :duckdb_create_data_chunk {:rettype (by-value :duckdb-data-chunk)
                             :argtypes [[types :pointer]
                                        [column-count :int64]]}

Under the covers during pass-by-value all the system needs is any valid java map of keyword property name to value and it will copy it into the appropriate structure just before call time.

During return-by-value the data will be copied into a native-backed datatype struct with the :resource-type set to :auto.

Datatype structs have accelerated .get and .reduce implementations so (into {} data) is a reasonable pathway if you want to convert from a struct to a persistent maps.


user> (require '[tech.v3.datatype.ffi :as dtype-ffi])
user> (dtype-ffi/define-library!
        '{:memset {:rettype :pointer
                   :argtypes [[buffer :pointer]
                              [byte-value :int32]
                              [n-bytes :size-t]]}
          :memcpy {:rettype :pointer
                   ;;dst src size-t
                   :argtypes [[dst :pointer]
                              [src :pointer]
                              [n-bytes :size-t]]}
          :qsort {:rettype :void
                  :argtypes [[data :pointer]
                             [nitems :size-t]
                             [item-size :size-t]
                             [comparator :pointer]]}}
        nil ;;no library symbols defined
        nil ;;no systematic error checking

user> ;;now we bind to a path or existing library.  nil means find
user> ;;symbols in current executable.
user> (dtype-ffi/library-singleton-set! clib nil)
  {:qsort #object[tech.v3.datatype.ffi.jna.G__17822$invoker_qsort 0x32b4a8cd "tech.v3.datatype.ffi.jna.G__17822$invoker_qsort@32b4a8cd"], :memset #object[tech.v3.datatype.ffi.jna.G__17822$invoker_memset 0x676ccb88 "tech.v3.datatype.ffi.jna.G__17822$invoker_memset@676ccb88"], :memcpy #object[tech.v3.datatype.ffi.jna.G__17822$invoker_memcpy 0x59fd3d8f "tech.v3.datatype.ffi.jna.G__17822$invoker_memcpy@59fd3d8f"]}>
user> ;;We can now call functions in our library.
user> (require '[tech.v3.datatype :as dtype])
user> (def container (dtype/make-container :native-heap :float64 (range 10)))
user> (apply + container)
user> (memset container 0 (* (dtype/ecount container) 8))
#object[tech.v3.datatype.ffi.Pointer 0x59fa4fe0 "{:address 0x00007F1B4458C0E0 }"]
user> (apply + container)
user> ;;C callbacks take a bit more effort
user> ;;First define the callback signature.
user> (def comp-iface (dtype-ffi/define-foreign-interface :int32 [:pointer :pointer]))
user> ;;Then instantiate an implementation.
user> (import [tech.v3.datatype.ffi Pointer])
user> (require '[tech.v3.datatype.native-buffer :as native-buffer])
user> (def iface-inst (dtype-ffi/instantiate-foreign-interface
                       (fn [^Pointer lhs ^Pointer rhs]
                         (let [lhs (.getDouble (native-buffer/unsafe) (.address lhs))
                               rhs (.getDouble (native-buffer/unsafe) (.address rhs))]
                           (Double/compare lhs rhs)))))
user> iface-inst
#object[tech.v3.datatype.ffi.jna.ffi_G__17831 0x6e9ddc45 "tech.v3.datatype.ffi.jna.ffi_G__17831@6e9ddc45"]
user> ;;From an instance of a foreign interface we can get an integer pointer
user> (def iface-ptr (dtype-ffi/foreign-interface-instance->c comp-iface iface-inst))
user> iface-ptr
#object[tech.v3.datatype.ffi.Pointer 0x47099d5d "{:address 0x00007F1BB400F390 }"]
user> ;;reset container
user> (dtype/copy! (vec (shuffle (range 10))) container)
[5.000, 9.000, 8.000, 1.000, 3.000, 0.000, 6.000, 7.000, 4.000, 2.000]
user> (qsort container 10 8 iface-ptr)
user> container
[0.000, 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, 4.000, 5.000, 6.000, 7.000, 8.000, 9.000]

Structs can be defined and passed by pointer/reference. See the tech.v3.datatype.struct namespace. Also note that the output of clang can be used to define your structs based on parsing c/c++ header files. See tech.v3.datatype.ffi.clang/defstruct-from-layout.

Things To Consider:

  1. If the structs are complex or involved I recommend using clang to dump the record definitions and using those to generate the struct layouts - documentation.)
  2. Returning things by pointer-to-pointer. This often happens in C interfaces so so there is a pattern for this.
  3. Sometimes you get a pointer to a struct and you need to access the struct values to get/set data on it. You can cast any pointer to a struct with this pattern and then it is an implementation of java.util.Map.)
  4. If you want things to work on 32 bit systems then you will need to be careful with size-t, offset-t, and ptr definitions. The size-t namespace is there to help out a bit. I often use very late binding (delay) for systems that will have size-t definitions so that if someone were to AOT-compile the jar they don't happen to compile in the wrong size-t definition for a downstream system.
  5. Transforming from a raw integer address into a native-buffer happens a lot - wrap-address with example usage.
  6. It is possible with older creakier libraries you will need to pass in the address to struct members. This happened a lot in avclj.


What I often do is I get the pointer address, which is a primitive long value and thus not tracked by the GC system and reconstruct the pointer in the dispose-fn - native-buffer's malloc is a good example of this. This keeps the dispose fn from having a reference to the thing being tracked. By convention I nearly always give users the ability to choose how they want the thing tracked with a :resource-type option that can be one of four possible options:

  • nil - no tracking and data has to be manually released

  • :stack - Throws an error if there isn't an open stack resource context but will clean things up.

  • :gc - Always track via the GC tracking mechanism.

  • :auto - nearly always the default, choose GC unless there is an open stack tracker.

    In the case of a derived object such as a child object of a parent allocated object I usually store the parent on the child's metadata so that the parent cannot get cleaned up before the child. You can see this with the sub-buffer call in the case where someone malloc'd a large single buffer and then created child buffers still referencing the same data.

A Word On Efficiency

Finally - on my favorite topic, efficiency, dtype-next has extremely fast copies from primitive arrays to native buffers of the same datatype and back. Users can also write directly to native buffers as they can get a buffer interface via ->buffer. That typehint means you are guaranteed to get an actual implementation of the buffer interface so you can write single values somewhat efficiently but a bulk copy of a primitive array will be probably 100 times faster.

My recommendation is to allow users who have large datasets to setup a steady state where they can write data to a double or float java primitive array which hotspot handles extremely well especially if everything is typehinted correctly and then use a single dtype/copy! call which will hit the memcpy fastpath for moving data into an actual native buffer. Allocating primitive arrays is pretty quick but allocating large native arrays may not be and it will always be faster to setup a steady state where you are processing batches of data without allocating anything, preparing one batch while another batch is finishing. You can see how a design like this makes the actual function call time nearly irrelevant because you are processing thousands of records with very few cross language function calls. So the actual inter-language time of JNA vs. JDK-17 for a serious perf use case should be a nonissue as users need to handle intelligent batching that will involve nearly no C function calls or very few of them.

A small detail talking about efficiency of writing data to a java primitive array - Clojure's aset returns the previous value and the Clojure compiler boxes it. So Clojure's very own aset is a performance disadvantage compared to setting the value in Java or Scala or Kotlin. For this reason in extremely tight loops I have a version of aset that returns void and thus avoids boxing anything. For arrays of 10 or 1000 things probably irrelevant but for tight loops running as fast as things can run those extra box calls are noticeable in the profiler.


(c->string data & {:keys [encoding]})

Convert a zero-terminated c-string to a java string. See documentation for string->c for encodings.




(define-foreign-interface rettype argtypes & [{:as options}])

Define a strongly typed instance that can be used with foreign-interface-instance->c. This instance takes a single constructor argument which is the IFn that it is wrapping. It has a single typesafe 'invoke' method taking types defined by the underlying binding and transforming them into types that Clojure expects - for instance pointers are transformed to/from tech.v3.datatype.ffi.Pointer upon entry/exit from the wrapped IFn.

  • rettype - The return type of the function.
  • argtypes - A possibly empty sequence of argument types.


  • :classname - Similar to :classname in 'define-library'. A class will be generated to compile-path and after this statement (import classname) will be a valid call.

See foreign-interface-instance->c for example.


(define-library fn-defs symbols options)(define-library fn-defs options)(define-library fn-defs)

Define a library returning the class. The class can be instantiated with a string naming the library path or nil for the current process. After instantiation the library instance will have strongly typed methods named the same as the keyword keys in fn-defs efficiently bound to symbols of the same exact name in library.

  • fn-defs - map of fn-name -> {:rettype :argtypes}.
    • argtypes -
      • :void - return type only.
      • :int8 :int16 :int32 :int64
      • :float32 :float64
      • :size-t - int32 or int64 depending on cpu architecture.
      • :pointer :pointer? - Something convertible to a Pointer type. Potentially exception when nil.
    • rettype - any argtype plus :void


  • :classname - If classname (a symbol) is provided a .class file is saved to compile-path after which (import classname) will be a validcall meaning that after AOT no further reflection or class generation is required to access the class explicitly. That being said 'import' does not reload classes that are already on the classpath so this option is best used after library has stopped changing.


user> (dtype-ffi/define-library {:memset {:rettype :pointer
                                          :argtypes [:pointer :int32 :size-t]}}
                                {:classname 'tech.libmemset})
{:library tech.libmemset}
user> (import 'tech.libmemset)
user> (def inst (tech.libmemset. nil)) ;;nil for current process
user> (def test-buf (dtype/make-container :native-heap :float32 (range 10)))
user> test-buf
[0.000, 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, 4.000, 5.000, 6.000, 7.000, 8.000, 9.000, ]
user> (.memset ^tech.libmemset inst test-buf 0 40)
#object[tech.v3.datatype.ffi.Pointer 0x33013c57 "{:address 0x00007F4E28CE56D0 }"]
user> test-buf
[0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, ]



(define-library! lib-varname lib-fns lib-symbols error-checker)

Define a library singleton that will export the defined functions and symbols.

Only jvm-supported primitives work here - no unsigned but if you have the correct datatype widths the data will be passed unchanged so unsigned does work.

See namespace declaration for full example.


    '{:memset {:rettype :pointer
               :argtypes [[buffer :pointer]
                          [byte-value :int32]
                          [n-bytes :size-t]]}
      :memcpy {:rettype :pointer
               ;;dst src size-t
               :argtypes [[dst :pointer]
                          [src :pointer]
                          [n-bytes :size-t]]}
      :qsort {:rettype :void
              :argtypes [[data :pointer]
                         [nitems :size-t]
                         [item-size :size-t]
                         [comparator :pointer]]}}



(define-library-functions library-def-symbol find-fn check-error)

Define public callable vars that will call library functions marshaling strings back and forth. These vars will call find-fn with the fn-name in a late-bound way and check-error may be provided and called on a return value assuming :check-error? is set in the library definition.

  • library-def-symbol - The fully namespaced symbol that points to the function definitions.
  • find-fn - A function taking one argument - the fn name, and returning the function.
  • check-error - A function or macro that receives two arguments - the fn definition from above and the actual un-evaluated function call allowing you to insert pre/post checks.


(dt-ffi/define-library-functions avclj.ffi/avcodec-fns find-avcodec-fn check-error)



(define-library-interface fn-defs & {:keys [_classname check-error symbols libraries _header-files], :as opts})

Define public callable vars that will call library functions marshaling strings back and forth. Returns a library singleton.

  • fn-defs - map of fn-name -> {:rettype :argtypes}
    • argtypes -
      • :void - return type only.
      • :int8 :int16 :int32 :int64
      • :float32 :float64
      • :size-t - int32 or int64 depending on cpu architecture.
      • :pointer :pointer? - Something convertible to a Pointer type. Potentially exception when nil.
    • rettype - any argtype plus :void
    • doc - docstring for the function
    • check-error? apply pre/post checks with check-error. default: false


  • :classname - If classname (a symbol) is provided a .class file is saved to compile-path after which (import classname) will be a validcall meaning that after AOT no further reflection or class generation is required to access the class explicitly. That being said 'import' does not reload classes that are already on the classpath so this option is best used after library has stopped changing.

  • :check-error - A function or macro that receives two arguments - the fn definition from above and the actual un-evaluated function call allowing you to insert pre/post checks.

  • :symbols - A sequence of symbols in the shared library that should be available for use with find-symbol

  • :libraries - (graalvm only) A sequence of dependent shared libraries that should be loaded.

  • :header-files - (graalvm only) A sequence of header files.


user> (dt-ffi/define-library-interface
        {:memset {:rettype :pointer
                  :argtypes [['p :pointer]
                             ['x :int32]
                             ['len :size-t]]}})
user> (def test-buf (dtype/make-container :native-heap :float32 (range 10)))
user> test-buf
[0.000, 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, 4.000, 5.000, 6.000, 7.000, 8.000, 9.000, ]
user> (memset test-buf 0 40)
#object[tech.v3.datatype.ffi.Pointer 0x33013c57 "{:address 0x00007F4E28CE56D0 }"]
user> test-buf
[0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, ]


(enable-string->c-stats! enabled?)(enable-string->c-stats!)

Enable tracking how often string->c is getting called.


(find-library libname)

This method is useful to check if loading a library will work. If successful, returns the library name that did finally succeed. This may be different from libname in the case where java.library.path has been used to actively find the library.


(find-symbol libname symbol-name)(find-symbol symbol-name)

Find a symbol in a library. A library symbol is guaranteed to have a conversion to a pointer.


(foreign-interface-instance->c ffi-def foreign-inst)

Convert an instance of the above foreign interface definition into a Pointer suitable to be called from C. Callers must ensure that foreign-inst is visible to the gc the entire time the foreign system has a reference to the pointer.

  • foreign-inst - an instance of the class defined by 'define-foreign-interface'.



(if-class class-name then)(if-class class-name then else?)


(instantiate-class cls & args)

Utility function to instantiate a class via its first constructor in its list of declared constructors. Works with classes returned from 'define-library' and 'define-foreign-interface'. Uses reflection.


(instantiate-foreign-interface ffi-def ifn)

Instantiate a foreign interface defintion. This returns an instance object which can then be converted into a c-pointer via foreign-interface-instance->c.


(instantiate-library library-def libpath)

Uses reflection to instantiate a library



Is the JDK foreign function interface available?



Is the JDK native memory model available?



Is JNA's ffi interface available?


(library-loadable? libname)


(library-singleton library-def-var library-sym-var library-def-opts)(library-singleton library-def-var)

Create a singleton object, ideally assigned to a variable with defonce, that you can reset to auto-reload the bindings i.e. with new function definitions at the repl.

  • library-def-var must be something that deref's to the latest library definition.
(defonce ^:private lib (dt-ffi/library-singleton #'avcodec-fns))

;;Safe to call on uninitialized library.  If the library is initialized, however,
;;a new library instance is created from the latest avcodec-fns
(dt-ffi/library-singelton-reset! lib)

(defn set-library!
  (dt-ffi/library-singelton-set! lib libpath))
(defn- find-avcodec-fn
  (dt-ffi/library-singelton-find-fn lib fn-kwd))


(make-ptr dtype prim-init-value options)(make-ptr dtype prim-init-value)

Make an object convertible to a pointer that points to single value of type dtype.



Protocol to allow easy definition of a library singleton that manages re-creating the library definition when the library data changes and also recreating the library instance if necessary.



(library-singleton-definition lib-singleton)

Return the library definition.


(library-singleton-find-fn lib-singleton fn-name)

Find a bound function in the library. Returns an implementation of clojure.lang.IFn that takes only the specific arguments.


(library-singleton-find-symbol lib-singleton sym-name)

Find a symbol in the library. Returns a pointer.


(library-singleton-library lib-singleton)

Return the library instance


(library-singleton-library-path lib-singleton)

Get the bound library path


(library-singleton-reset! lib-singleton)

Regenerate library bindings and bind a new instance to allow repl-style iterative development.


(library-singleton-set! lib-singleton libpath)

Set the library path, generate the library and create a new instance.


(library-singleton-set-instance! lib-singleton libinst)

In some cases such as graal native pathways you have to hard-set the definition and instance.





(->pointer item)

Convert an item into a Pointer, throwing an exception upon failure.


(convertible-to-pointer? item)

Query whether an item is convertible to a pointer.


(ptr->struct struct-type ptr)

Given a struct type and a pointer return a struct whose data starts at the address of the pointer.

  (let [codec (dt-ffi/ptr->struct (:datatype-name @av-context/codec-def*) codec-ptr)]


(set-ffi-impl! ffi-kwd)

Set the global ffi implementation. Options are

  • :jdk - namespace 'tech.v3.datatype.ffi.mmodel/ffi-fns - only available with jdk's foreign function module enabled.
  • :jna - namespace ''tech.v3.datatype.ffi.jna/ffi-fns - available if JNA version 5+ is in the classpath.


(string->c str-data & [{:keys [encoding], :as options}])

Convert a java String to a zero-padded c-string. Available encodings are

  • :ascii, :utf-8 (default), :utf-16, :utf-16LE, utf-16-BE and :utf-32

String data will be zero padded.




(struct-member-ptr data-struct member)

Get a pointer to a struct data member.

   (swscale/sws_scale sws-ctx
                      (struct-member-ptr input-frame :data)
                      (struct-member-ptr input-frame :linesize)
                      0 (:height input-frame)
                      (struct-member-ptr encoder-frame :data)
                      (struct-member-ptr encoder-frame :linesize))



Get the utf-16 encoding that matches the current platform so you can encode a utf-16 string without a bom.



Get the utf-16 encoding that matches the current platform so you can encode a utf-16 string without a bom.

